Hypnotherapy - what is it?

A few words about hypnotherapy Hypnotherapy is a form of psychotherapy that uses the trance state to change behavior, thinking, and feelings. During hypnosis, the person is in a deeply relaxed state, but remains fully aware and in control of the process. Hypnotherapy can help people deal with many problems, including depression, anxiety, phobias, addictions, sleep problems, weight problems, and more. Hypnotherapy can also help people develop self-regulation skills, improve self-confidence, and increase concentration. Hypnotherapy can be used as an independent method of treatment, as well as in combination with other methods of psychotherapy and medical treatment. Hypnotherapy is not magic and does not always give guaranteed results, but it can be effective if applied in the hands of an experienced and skilled practitioner. blog home page Hypnotherapy can be applied to people of any age, but only playful forms of hypnosis are recommended for children. Hypnotherapy does not pose a ...